Recommended Providers Recommended Providers Medical Library Favorites Newsletter Archive Patient Portal Welcome to the Searchable Recommended Providers database.Please select a specialty from the blue drop-down list below. Show All SpecialitiesAcupuncture (14)Addiction Medicine / Alchohol (5)Adult Protective Social Services (1)Alcohol Counseling (4)Alcohol Rehabilitation Units (Inpatient)|Rehab/Detox Facilities (1)Alcohol Rehabilitation Units (Inpatient)|Rehab/Detox Facilities|Rehab / Alcohol & Drug (1)Alert Devices (6)Allergist (4)Alopecia | Hair Loss (1)Alzheimers (3)Alzheimers|Neurology (1)Assistance With Elderly Patients (3)Attorney Disability (1)Audiology / Hearing (5)Back Pain Specialist|Neurology|Neck Pain and Neurological Issues (1)Back Surgeon (9)Bariatric Surgery (1)Behavior Health Services For The Elderly (3)Best In The Country (All Specialties) (2)Breast Reconstruction (2)Breast Reduction Surgery (1)Breast Surgeon (6)Canadian Drug Store (4)Cancer Coordinator / Virginia Piper Center (1)Cardio Thoracic Surgery (1)Cardiology (17)Cardiovascular Surgeon (5)Chemical Dependency Treatment (8)Chiropractic (6)Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2)Colon Surgery (10)Counselors and Therapists (24)Dementia Doctors (4)Dental Clinics (Low Cost) (2)Dentist (8)Dentist/Oral Lichenn Planus (1)Dentist/Orofacial (1)Dentistry / TMJ / Orofacial Pain (1)Dermatology (24)Dermatology|Hair Loss (Female) (1)Dermatology|Tattoo Removal (1)Dry Eye Assistance (5)Eating Disorder Counselors (4)Electroconvulsive Therapy For Depression ECT (1)Endocrine Surgeons (3)Endocrinology (13)ENT / Voice (1)ENT/ Facial Plastic Surgery (1)ENT/Cholesteotoma (1)ENT/Cochlear Implants (3)ENT/Neuro-otologist/Cholesteotoma Surgery (1)ENT/Otolaryngology (13)Gastro Intestinal Bypass (2)Gastroenterology (18)General Surgeons (12)Grief Counselors (2)Gynecologic / Vulva Specialist (3)Gynecologic Oncology (5)Gynecology (20)Headache Specialist (4)Home Health (6)Home Health|Private Duty Nursing (2)Home Health|Senior Living (2)Home Medical Equipment (2)Home Monitoring / Elderly Parent Monitoring (5)Housecalls (1)Infectious Disease (10)Inpatient Psychiatric Therapy/Substance Abuse (7)Insurance Agent / Health (3)Internal Medicine in Chicago (4)Internal Medicine in Denver (2)Internal Medicine in Flagstaff (3)Internal Medicine in New York (1)Internal Medicine in Scottsdale (1)Internal Medicine in Tucson (2)Lichen Planus Treatment (1)Lipid/Cholesterol Specialist (1)Low Vision (8)Lymphedema Pump (1)Lymphedema Therapy (2)Marriage Counselors (3)Massage (2)Mastectomy Supplies (3)Meals Delivered (2)Medicare Insurance Information Resource (2)Memory Care Facilities (8)Mobile Hair Services for Cancer Patients (1)Nephrology (10)Neurological Surgery (8)Neurology (21)Neurology|Vertigo (3)Neuropsychologist (6)Neuroradiology / Interventional (1)Nutritionist (3)Occupational Therapy (1)Ocularist/Artificial Eyes (1)Oncology (18)Oncology/Hematology (1)Onology / Prostate (1)Ophthalmology / Cornea (7)Ophthalmology / Dry Eye Assistance (4)Ophthalmology / General (11)Ophthalmology / Glaucoma (3)Ophthalmology / Neuro (2)Ophthalmology / Plastic Surgery (6)Ophthalmology / Retinal (3)Ophthalmology/Prisms (1)Optometrist (5)Oral Surgeon (1)Ortho in Flagstaff (1)Orthopedic / Foot & Ankle (6)Orthopedic / Hand (9)Orthopedic / Hip/Pelvis (2)Orthopedic / Knee (18)Orthopedic / Knee/Hip Replacement|Orthopedic / Surgery / all (13)Orthopedic / Shoulder / General (13)Orthopedic / Shoulder Replacement|Orthopedic / Shoulder / General (13)Orthopedic / Surgery / all (28)Orthotics (1)Ostomy Experts (1)Out Of State - Worldwide Providers (4)Pain Management (16)Parkinsons Specialist (7)Pediatrician (4)Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist (2)Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation (1)Pelvic Pain Specialist (1)Personal Chef (1)Personal Trainer (3)Pessary (2)Pharmacist (7)Physical Medicine / Rehab / Physiatry (5)Physical Therapy (32)Physical Therapy / Home (4)Plastic Surgeons (16)Podiatrist (12)Proctologist|Diverticulitis|Colon Surgery (6)Prosthetic Devices (4)Psychiatry (26)Psychiatry for Adolescents (6)Psychiatry for Geriatrics (4)Psychologist (7)Pulmonologist (8)Radiation Oncology (6)Radiology Facilities (8)Radiology Facilities|Vein Care (1)Rehab/Detox Facilities (4)Rheumatology (10)Seizure Specialists (4)Senior Living (30)Sex Therapist (2)Sleep Center / Sleep Medicine (7)Social Workers (2)Sports Medicine (1)Stellate Ganglion Blockade (1)Suboxone Treatment (4)Substance Abuse for Adolescents (3)Suicide Support (1)Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Specialist (1)TMJ Specialist (3)Trainers (1)Travel Health (2)Urogynecology (4)Urology (15)Urology (Colorado) (1)Urology (Indiana) (1)Vascular Interventionalists (2)Vascular Surgeon (6)Venous Thrombosis Specialist (3)Vertigo Evaluation (1)Weight Loss (5)Wound Surgeons (2) Kenneth Zwier, MDAddress 7510 E 1st Street Scottsdale AZ 85251 workPhone: 480-941-3832workFax: 480-994-7381workfaxSpecialty: Psychiatry «Page 1Page 2…Page 15Page 16Page 17